ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Five Power Defence Arrangements

Hello little one! Today we are going to learn about something called the "Five Power Defence Arrangements". Now, what that means is that five countries (Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United Kingdom) have agreed to work together to protect each other if something bad happens in the region where they are.

So, imagine you and your friends are playing together in the park. If someone comes and tries to bully one of you, what do you do? You all stand up for each other and protect each other, right? That's kind of what these countries are doing for each other. They have promised to help each other if something bad happens, like if someone tries to bully one of them.

This agreement was made a long time ago, in the year 1971. It was made to ensure that these countries could work together to keep peace and security in their region. And, as you can imagine, when countries work together, they can do a lot of good things, just like you and your friends when you play together.

So, that's what the "Five Power Defence Arrangements" mean. It's like a promise that countries make to each other to work together for each other's protection and security.