ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Five precepts

The five precepts are five simple guidelines that Buddhist followers can use to help them lead a good life. They are meant to help people practice nonviolence, not harm other living things, and cultivate kindness and compassion.

The first precept is to avoid taking the life of any living creature. This means not intentionally hurting or killing any other living thing, even if it’s a bug or insect.

The second precept is to avoid taking anything that is not freely given. This is about not stealing or taking what does not belong to you.

The third precept is to not be sexually irresponsible. This means avoiding relationships or activities that can cause harm either physically or emotionally.

The fourth precept is to avoid lying or deceiving others. This means being honest in all interactions with other people.

The fifth precept is to avoid taking drugs or alcohol that can lead to carelessness, a lack of awareness, or lead people to do bad things.

Following the five precepts can help you live a happier and more peaceful life.