ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Five temperaments

Imagine there were five different kinds of children that can be described based on their personalities. These are called "temperaments". Let's learn about each one:

1. The Sanguine Child: This child loves to have fun and is very social. They love to be around others and make lots of friends. They are very energetic and outgoing, but sometimes they can be a little too impulsive and act without thinking.

2. The Choleric Child: This child is very strong-willed and likes to be in charge. They are very goal-oriented and determined to get what they want. They may seem a bit bossy or stubborn but they have a lot of confidence and leadership skills.

3. The Melancholic Child: This child is very emotional and sensitive. They have a lot of feelings and can be very introspective. They like to think before they act and may seem cautious or anxious. They are very empathetic, and will often daydream.

4. The Phlegmatic Child: This child is very calm and easy-going. They don't get upset easily and are very patient. They are not overly expressive, so you may not always know what they are thinking. But they are often good listeners, and sometimes analytical.

5. The Supine Child: This child is very laid-back, and sometimes a little shy. They may seem introverted or unassuming, but they are very compassionate and very creative. They are very peaceful and may give up control to others, though they can be a little passive at times.

All of these temperaments are good and have their strengths, but it's important for you to learn what your strengths and weaknesses are so you can use them in the best possible way.