ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Five-eyed flounder

So a five-eyed flounder is a special type of fish that has five eyes instead of the usual two that most fish have. Now, let's talk about what an eye is. An eye is like a little camera that helps animals like us see things around us.

Usually, fish have two eyes on the same side of their heads. But a five-eyed flounder is different because it has one eye on the top of its head, two eyes on one side, and two more eyes on the other side. That's a lot of eyes!

Having all these eyes helps the five-eyed flounder see in different directions, which is very helpful when it's swimming in the ocean. Imagine if you had five eyes on your head - you could see everything that's happening around you, all at once!

Even though the five-eyed flounder looks a bit strange with all those eyes, it's perfectly normal for them. And it's actually a really cool adaptation that helps them survive in their underwater world.