Fixed prayer times means that there are specific times of day when people pray, no matter what else is happening in their lives. These times are usually based on the movement of the sun and the rhythms of nature. For example, Muslims have five daily prayer times which are determined by the position of the sun in the sky. These times are called Fajr (before dawn), Dhuhr (noon), Asr (mid-afternoon), Maghrib (sunset), and Isha'a (night).
People who follow fixed prayer times may use a prayer schedule or reminder to make sure they pray at the right times. Some religions have specific prayers or rituals that must be performed at these times, such as facing a certain direction or reciting specific texts. These prayers are important to people who follow them because they help them connect with their faith and feel closer to their deity.
Overall, fixed prayer times help people make time for prayer and reflection in their busy lives, and provide a sense of structure and routine to their spiritual practice.