ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flashbulb memory

Okay kiddo, do you remember any special moments that you have experienced? Like your birthday party or a time when you went on a fun vacation? These special moments are examples of what we call "flashbulb memories."

When something really important, surprising or emotional happens to us, our brain takes a quick photo of that moment just like a flashbulb camera. This is why we call them "flashbulb memories".

Our brains are like a big computer, where we store information about everything that we learn or experience. Flashbulb memories are like special folders in our brain where we keep important and unforgettable moments.

For example, if you experienced an earthquake or a big storm, your brain will remember the exact moment when it happened, where you were, and how you felt. All the details of that moment will be stored in your flashbulb memory.

The reason why flashbulb memories are hard to forget is that they are often associated with strong emotions such as joy, fear, or surprise. They are like pictures in our mind that we can look at whenever we want to remember a special moment.

So whenever you have an unforgettable experience, just remember that your brain is taking a quick picture of that moment and it will always stay with you.
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