ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flip-flop (electronics)

A flip-flop is like a switch that can stay in two states: on or off. Imagine a toy car that you can turn on and off by pressing a button. When the button is pressed, it turns on and the wheels start moving. Then, when you press the button again, it turns off and the wheels stop moving.

In electronics, a flip-flop is a bit like that. It has two inputs, which we will call "Set" and "Reset". When the "Set" input is activated, the flip-flop turns on and stays on until the "Reset" input is activated. Then, the flip-flop turns off and stays off until the "Set" input is activated again.

The flip-flop is useful because it can store information in a digital circuit. For example, you might use it to remember if a door is open or closed. You could attach a switch to the "Set" input, so that whenever the door is closed, the flip-flop turns on. Then, when the door is opened and the "Reset" input is activated, the flip-flop turns off. This way, you can tell if the door is open or closed by looking at the output of the flip-flop.

Overall, a flip-flop is a basic building block of digital circuits that can store a simple binary state (on or off) until it is changed by an input. It's like a digital version of that toy car you can turn on and off with a button!