ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Schmitt trigger

Okay kiddo, today we're going to talk about something called a "schmitt trigger." It's a tool that helps us make decisions about whether something is "on" or "off."

Imagine you have a light switch in your room that turns on and off the lamp. Sometimes, the switch can get a little confused and turn on or off without you moving it. This can be annoying, especially if you're trying to sleep or study!

A schmitt trigger is like a little robot that helps us make sure the light switch is behaving properly. It measures the voltage going into the switch and decides whether it's "high" or "low" (kind of like whether the switch is flipped up or down).

But here's the cool part: the schmitt trigger also has a "memory" of sorts. It can remember what the voltage was before and use that information to determine whether the switch has really changed position or if it was just a random fluctuation.

So if the schmitt trigger senses a change in voltage that's small enough, it won't react right away. But if the change is big enough, it will tell us that the switch has been flipped and turn on or off the light accordingly.

Overall, the schmitt trigger helps us make sure that our devices are working properly and responding to the right inputs. Pretty neat, huh?