ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Floor broker

Okay kiddo, so a floor broker is like a helper at the playground. You know how sometimes you need someone to help you get on the swings or to play a game with you? Well, sometimes when people want to buy or sell stocks (which are like tiny pieces of ownership in a company), they need someone to help them do it. That's where the floor broker comes in.

The floor broker works on a big trading floor where there are lots of people shouting and waving their hands. It might look like chaos, but the floor broker knows exactly what's going on. They talk to different people and find out who wants to buy or sell the stocks. Then, they use their special knowledge and skills to make sure the person gets the best deal for their money.

Just like how you might need help figuring out a game or making friends at the playground, people who want to buy or sell stocks sometimes need help from a floor broker. It can be a little confusing or overwhelming to do it all on their own, so the floor broker is there to make it easy and fair for everyone.