Florigen is like a messaging system in plants. It's a special chemical that tells a plant when to grow flowers. Just like when you get a message from your mom telling you it's time to come home for dinner, florigen tells a plant when it's time to start making flowers.
Florigen is made in the leaves of a plant, and then it travels down to the part of the plant where the flowers grow. Think of it like a package being sent from one place to another. Once it reaches the flower-growing part of the plant, it tells the plant to start making flower buds.
So, if a plant doesn't have enough florigen, it might not make any flowers at all. But if it has a lot of florigen, it might make tons of flowers! Scientists are still learning about florigen and how it works, but for now we can think of it as a special message that helps plants know when it's time to bloom.