ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fluency Voice Technology

Have you ever talked to a machine like Siri or Alexa and it talked back to you? That's called voice technology! Fluency voice technology means that the machine can talk to you in a way that sounds very natural, just like talking to a real person.

To make a fluency voice technology, people first record themselves reading different words, phrases, and sentences. This is called voice recording. Then, a computer program takes these recordings and "learns" how to say things like the person who recorded them.

When you ask a machine a question or give it a command, the computer program uses what it learned from the voice recordings to talk back to you in a way that sounds natural. It can even understand different accents and dialects!

Fluency voice technology is really helpful because it can make it easier for people to interact with machines. For example, you can ask your phone to send a message or play a song just by talking to it instead of having to type things out.