ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Fondue is a special way to eat food where you dip it into hot, melted cheese, chocolate or other yummy sauces. It's usually done by sharing a pot with your friends or family and you all use long forks to dip pieces of food into the hot and gooey mixture.

It's a super fun and interactive way to eat, and it makes a perfect party food. You can make it at home using a fondue pot, but you also could go to a restaurant that serves fondue if you don't have the equipment at home.

When eating cheese fondue, you dip bread, vegetables, and meat into the melted cheese. When you want something sweet, like dessert, chocolate fondue is a perfect choice. You can dip fruits, marshmallows, pretzels, and other sweet treats into the melted chocolate for a sweet and delicious treat!

Just remember, be careful when using the fondue forks because they are very long and sharp, and the food gets very hot! But once you get the hang of it, sharing a fondue pot with your loved ones is a sure way to have a good time and make some happy memories.
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