ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Your foot is the part of your body that helps you stand up and move around. Each foot has lots of different parts working together to make this happen.

The bottom of your foot is called the sole. It has tough skin to protect your feet and help you walk on different surfaces. The big, tough bump at the back of your foot is called the heel. It helps you balance and absorbs shock when your foot hits the ground.

Your toes are the wiggly parts at the front of your foot. They help you grip the ground and move your foot around. Your big toe is the most important of all your toes because it helps you balance.

Inside your foot, there are lots of tiny bones, similar to a puzzle. These bones are all connected by joints, which are kind of like hinges to help your foot move smoothly. There are also lots of muscles, tendons, and ligaments working together to help you use your foot and move around.

It's important to take good care of your feet by wearing comfortable shoes, keeping them clean, and stretching them regularly so they stay strong and healthy.