ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foreign exchange station

A foreign exchange station is like a store where you can trade your money for a different kind of money from another country. It's like when you trade your toy with your friend's toy, but instead of toys, it's money.

Let's say you want to travel to another country, but that country doesn't use the same money as your country. For example, you live in the United States and want to travel to Japan, where they use Japanese yen instead of US dollars. You would need to go to a foreign exchange station to trade your US dollars for Japanese yen.

The people who work at the foreign exchange station are called currency traders. They know how to trade one kind of money for another and can tell you how much you will get for your money. They also make sure the money they give you is real and not fake.

You can trade different amounts of money at the foreign exchange station for a fee, which is like paying a little extra money so that the traders will trade the money for you. It's like when you give your friend an extra piece of candy so that they will trade toys with you.

Overall, a foreign exchange station helps you get the right kind of money you need for your trip to another country.
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