ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Formation of rocks

Have you ever played with sand at the beach or with some clay at school? When we take sand and clay and press them together really hard, they become compact. Rocks are just like that, they are made up of tiny grains of sand, clay, or other rocks that have been pushed together and compacted over a long time.

Another way rocks are formed is by the cooling and hardening of hot molten material called magma. Magma is created deep inside the Earth from the intense heat and pressure. When it rises to the surface and cools, it hardens into solid rock.

Sometimes, rocks get changed by heat, pressure, or chemicals, and this can create new types of rocks. For example, when rocks are squeezed by the movement of the Earth's crust, they can be transformed into a harder type of rock called metamorphic rock.

So, rocks are formed by different processes like compacting of sand or clay, cooling of hot magma or transformation due to heat, pressure or chemicals.
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