ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Former colonies and territories in Canada

Hey there little buddy! You know how sometimes we share our toys or snacks with our friends? Well, a long time ago, some people from Europe came to live in Canada and they wanted to have control over the land and resources there. So they asked the First Nations people who lived there if they could share the land with them.

However, over time, the Europeans took more and more land and made laws that were unfair to the First Nations people. Eventually, Canada became a big country and had many provinces and territories, and some of them used to be controlled by other countries, like England or France.

These places were called colonies or territories because they didn't have as much power as the provinces did. But, as time went on, many of these territories became part of Canada and got more say in how things were run.

Today, Canada is made up of 10 provinces and 3 territories, and they all work together to make Canada a great place to live. The provinces are like bigger versions of cities, and the territories are a bit like provinces but with fewer people living there.

So, that's it, my little friend! Canada is a big and diverse country made up of many different places, each with its own unique history and culture.