ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fort Gaddis

Fort Gaddis is a type of military base that was built a long time ago to help protect a certain area. It's kind of like a really big and strong house that the soldiers can stay in to watch out for danger and help keep people safe. It's named after a person called Gaddis who probably was important in building it or had something to do with it.

The fort has walls all around it and there are usually a lot of soldiers inside with weapons to protect the area. They might also have things like tanks or helicopters to help them if they need to fight. Sometimes, people might live in the fort too because it's a safe place to be.

Nowadays, many forts like Fort Gaddis aren't used as much because newer and better ways of protecting an area have been developed. However, they are still important to remember because they played a big role in protecting people in the past.