ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Four Dharma Seals

Imagine you have a special sticker that represents the four most important rules about how to live a good life. This sticker is called the Four Dharma Seals.

The first rule is called impermanence. This means that everything in the world changes constantly. Just like how your toy might break or your flowers might wither, everything will eventually go away or transform into something else.

The second rule is called non-self. This means that there is no true, permanent "you" that is separate from everything else. Everything is connected, like how a spider web is made up of many threads all attached to each other.

The third rule is called suffering. This means that everyone in the world experiences pain, discomfort, sadness, and difficulty at some point in their life. But suffering can help us learn and grow if we face it in a wise and compassionate way.

The fourth rule is called nirvana. This means that it's possible to find a sense of peace and freedom from suffering by understanding the first three rules and following the teachings of Buddha. Think of it like a big hug from the universe, where everything feels calm and safe.

So, the Four Dharma Seals are like a special sticker that reminds us how to be happy and live a good life by understanding that everything changes, everything is connected, everyone experiences suffering, but we can find peace by following wise teachings.