A Fréchet lattice is like a special kind of club for numbers where the numbers can all be compared to each other and they follow a set of special rules.
First, imagine you have some numbers. They might be big or small or somewhere in between, but they are all just numbers. Now, let's say we want to compare them. One way we might compare them is based on size. We might say that certain numbers are bigger or smaller than others.
But a Fréchet lattice is even cooler than just comparing based on size. In a Fréchet lattice, the numbers are arranged so that we can compare them in lots of different ways, not just based on size. And the numbers also have to follow specific rules.
Here's an example: imagine we have the numbers 1, 2, and 3. In a regular list, we might say that 3 is bigger than 2 and 2 is bigger than 1. But in a Fréchet lattice, we can also compare them based on how close they are to each other. We might say that 3 is closer to 2 than it is to 1, and that 2 is closer to 1 than it is to 3.
And that's just the start! Fréchet lattices also have rules about how numbers can be added, how they can be multiplied, and more. It might sound complicated, but it's like a really cool club where numbers get to hang out and follow special rules together.