ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fraction (chemistry)

Fractions in chemistry are like slices of a pizza or a cake. When we mix different chemicals together, they sometimes form new compounds. These compounds can be represented as fractions, where the top number (numerator) tells us how many parts of that element or compound we have, and the bottom number (denominator) tells us the total number of parts.

For example, let's say we mix two elements, oxygen and hydrogen, together. They can react to form a new compound called water, which has the chemical formula H2O. This means that for every one molecule of water, there are two atoms of hydrogen (the numerator) and one atom of oxygen (the denominator).

Another example is carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a molecule made up of one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen. This is represented as a fraction where the numerator is 1 (for the carbon) and the denominator is 2 (for the oxygen).

Fractions in chemistry help us understand the composition of different compounds and how different elements come together to form new substances.