ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Francis Bok

Ok kiddo, let's talk about Francis Bok. Francis Bok is a man who was born in a country called Sudan. In Sudan, sometimes people would take other people and make them work for them without paying them or treating them nicely. This is called slavery. Francis Bok was taken as a slave when he was only 7 years old!

Francis was forced to work for a very long time without being able to leave. He was not treated well at all. Luckily, when he was 17 years old, he was able to escape and run away from his owners. he ran and ran for many days until he was able to reach a city far away from where he was taken. When he got there, he met people who helped him get to a safer place where he was finally free.

After he was free, Francis Bok decided to tell people about his experience so that they would know that slavery is not right and should not happen to anyone. He wrote a book called "Escape from Slavery" which tells his story and his journey to freedom. He also helped create organizations to help other people who were still trapped in slavery.

Francis Bok is a very brave person who showed us that it is important to stand up for what is right and make a difference in the world.