ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Francis Herbert Wenham

Francis Herbert Wenham was a very smart man who lived a long time ago. He was born in 1824 in England. He was always curious about how things worked and loved to tinker with different machines and gadgets.

When he grew up, he became fascinated with how birds can fly. He thought that if he could figure out how birds fly, he could make things that can fly too, like airplanes. He did a lot of experiments and testing, and finally he came up with a theory that explained how birds can stay up in the air.

He said that if you put two wings together, like on an airplane, and make them curve at the top, they can help lift the plane into the air. This concept is called the "inverted wing" and is still used in airplane design today.

Wenham also figured out other ways to make airplanes go faster and farther, like changing the shape of the wings and using a motor to power them.

Thanks to Wenham's hard work and creativity, we now have airplanes that can take us to faraway places and help us explore the world!