ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free Flow of Information Act

Hey kiddo! Do you know what information is? It's like knowledge or news that people share with each other. And sometimes people want to keep information away from other people, but that's not always a good thing. That's where the Free Flow of Information Act comes in.

The Free Flow of Information Act is a law that says that journalists should be able to protect their sources of information. When journalists write about things, they often talk to people who don't want to be identified. This could be because they're afraid of getting in trouble, or because they have important information to share that could impact a lot of people.

The law says that journalists don't have to tell the government or anyone else who their sources are. This is important because if sources know they can be protected, they are more likely to share important information with journalists. This means that journalists can report on stories that are in the public interest, without worrying about getting into trouble.

So, in short, the Free Flow of Information Act protects journalists and their sources, and helps ensure that information can flow freely so that people can stay informed and make decisions about their lives.