ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free University of New York

Imagine you really like playing with toys like blocks and puzzles, but you have to pay every time you want to play with them. That might not be fair or possible for everyone, especially if they don't have a lot of money.

This is kind of like what going to college or university can be like for some people. Learning new things and getting a degree can be really important and helpful, but it often costs a lot of money, which can be a problem for some people.

Free University of New York is a special kind of college or university where people don't have to pay anything to go there. It's like a big community center where people of all ages can learn new things without having to worry about how much it costs.

People who work at the Free University of New York are really good at teaching and helping people learn, and they offer all kinds of classes and workshops on subjects like writing, math, science, art, and lots more.

That means that if you want to learn something new or improve your skills in a certain area, you can go to the Free University of New York and have access to all kinds of great resources and teachers without having to pay anything at all!