ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free and Open Indo-Pacific

The free and open Indo-Pacific is like a big playground where countries like the United States, Japan, India, and others want to have fun and play nice together. They want to make sure that the ocean and the countries around it are free and open for everyone to use and explore.

Just like when you go to the playground and everyone has to follow the rules, these countries want to make rules that everyone agrees on. They want to make sure that no one tries to take over or bully other countries in the playground. They also want to make sure that everyone can trade and share things with each other, like toys or snacks.

Sometimes, bad guys like bullies can try to cause trouble or hurt others. That's why these countries want to work together to protect and keep everyone safe in the playground. By working together, they can also help each other if someone gets hurt or needs help.

In summary, the free and open Indo-Pacific is like a big playground where countries want to have fun and play nice together. They want to make rules that everyone agrees on to make sure the playground is free and open for everyone. They also want to protect and help each other if someone needs it.