ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free logic

Okay, so let's talk about a thing called "free logic." Have you ever played with a jigsaw puzzle before? It's like putting together different pieces to create a picture.

Well, sometimes people use words in a similar way to create sentences that make sense. But sometimes when we use words, there are some tricky things that can happen, especially when we talk about things that don't actually exist.

For example, imagine I say "I broke the unicorn's horn." But wait a minute, unicorns don't actually exist! So how can I break something that isn't actually real?

This is where free logic comes in. It's a way of using words that lets us talk about things that might not actually exist in the real world. We can talk about unicorns or dragons or even things that haven't been discovered yet.

This helps us in lots of different ways, like when we're trying to talk about ideas in philosophy or math. We can use free logic to talk about things that might not exist in the real world, but still make sense in the world of ideas.

So, in short, free logic is a way of using words that lets us talk about things that might not exist, but still make sense in certain contexts. It's like using puzzle pieces to create a picture that might not exist in real life, but still looks pretty cool!