ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Table of logic symbols

Hey kiddo, have you ever seen a traffic light with different colors? Red says "Stop", yellow says "Be ready to stop" and green says "Go". Similarly, in mathematics and computer science, we use different symbols to represent different logical operations like "AND", "OR", "NOT" and so on.

These symbols are like shortcuts to express what we want to say without writing long sentences. They make our work simpler and easier to understand. Just like how you can quickly understand what each traffic light color means without needing someone to explain it to you every time.

Here are some of the symbols you might see in a table of logic symbols:

1. '¬' (not): This symbol means "not". It's like when you say "I do not want ice cream" instead of "I want to avoid ice cream".

2. '∧' (and): This symbol means "and". It's used when we want to say both things must be true to get the desired result, like having both hands on the steering wheel while driving.

3. '∨' (or): This symbol means "or". It's used when we want to say at least one thing must be true to get the desired result. For example, you can either have an apple or a banana for a snack.

4. '⊕' (exclusive or): This symbol means "exclusive or". It's used when we want to say only one thing can be true to get the desired result. For example, you can either watch TV or play outside, but you cannot do both at the same time.

5. '→' (implies): This symbol means "implies". It's used when we want to say that if one thing is true, another thing must be true too. It's like when you tell your mom "If I finish my homework, then I can watch TV".

6. '↔' (if and only if): This symbol means "if and only if". It's used when we want to say that both things are connected and cannot exist without each other. For example, you can only ride a bike if you know how to balance it, and you can only balance it by riding it.

So now you know what these symbols mean and how they work. And just like traffic lights, using them correctly helps us avoid accidents and reach our destination safely.