ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Truth table

A truth table is a type of chart that can show you if something is true or false. It is like a table with columns and rows. In the columns, you can write things and in the rows, you can write different answers that could be true or false. For example, if you wanted to know if eating ice cream was good or bad for you, you could write that in the columns and then in the rows you could write "good" and "bad." So the truth table would look like this:

Eating ice cream | Good | Bad
---------------- | ---- | ---

Then, after looking at different resources and considering what is true, you can decide if eating ice cream is good or bad. So if you decide that eating ice cream is good for you, you would fill in the truth table like this:

Eating ice cream | Good | Bad
---------------- | ---- | ---
True | ✓ |

If you wanted to add more options to the truth table, you could do that too. For example, this could be a truth table about what type of pet is the best:

Type of pet | Cat | Dog | Fish | Bunny
----------- | --- | --- | ---- | -----
True | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |