ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

First-order logic

First-order logic is a way to express facts and ideas using symbols. It is a type of logic that is used in mathematics and computer programming. It is a way to write down true statements and use them to prove other true statements using logic.

As an example, imagine you have three balls: red, blue, and yellow. First-order logic is a way for us to represent the fact that there are three balls. We can write it down like this:

B1 = Red Ball
B2 = Blue Ball
B3 = Yellow Ball

We can also express relationships between these facts. For example, we can express the fact that the red ball is the first ball like this:

B1 = Red Ball & B1 Comes First

By combining facts and relationships, we can use first-order logic to express more complicated ideas. For example, if we add another statement:

B2 Comes Second

Then we can combine these facts and relationships to be able to say that the blue ball is the second ball:

B2 = Blue Ball & B2 Comes Second

First-order logic makes it easier to express facts and relationships in a way that computers and mathematicians can understand.