ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Freedom of religion in China

In China, people have a right to choose their own religion or belief. This is called "freedom of religion." Just like how you can choose what toys to play with, people in China can choose what they believe in.

But sometimes, the Chinese government puts limits on this freedom of religion. They want to make sure that there is only one type of religion that people follow, called "official" religion. This means that some other religions aren't allowed in China, like Christianity, Islam or Falun Gong.

The government might also tell people how they can practice their religion. They might not be allowed to get together in groups or they might not be allowed to celebrate certain festivals. This is because the government wants to make sure that nothing bad happens and everyone is safe.

This can be confusing and sometimes unfair, but the government believes it's for the best. It's still important to respect everyone's beliefs, even if they're not the same as yours.