ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

French press

A French press is a special container that helps you make yummy coffee! It has four main parts: the container (where the coffee goes), the plunger (a special lid that helps you push down on the coffee), the filter (a piece of metal mesh that keeps the coffee grounds from getting in your cup), and the handle (the part you hold onto when you pour your coffee).

Here's how you use a French press to make coffee:

1. First, add some coffee grounds to the container. You can use as much or as little as you like, depending on how strong you want your coffee to be.

2. Next, pour hot water into the container until it's about three-quarters full. Don't fill it all the way to the top, or the coffee might spill out when you push down on the plunger!

3. Give the water a quick stir to make sure the coffee grounds are all wet.

4. Now, put the plunger lid on top of the container, with the handle sticking up. Don't push down on the plunger yet!

5. Wait a few minutes while the coffee steeps (that means the water is soaking up all the yummy flavor from the coffee grounds).

6. When you're ready to pour your coffee, hold onto the handle of the French press and slowly push down on the plunger. This will force the coffee grounds to the bottom of the container, and the filter will keep them from getting into your cup.

7. Pour your freshly brewed coffee into your cup and enjoy!

French presses are special because they make really rich, flavorful coffee that's different from what you'd get from a regular coffee maker. Plus, they're pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it!