ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

French submarine Surcouf

The French submarine Surcouf was a very large and powerful submarine that was built a long time ago. It was like a big metal tube that went underwater and could stay there for a really long time. Inside the submarine, there were lots of rooms where the crew could live and work.

The Surcouf had some special things that made it different from other submarines. One was that it had two big guns on it, like the ones that are on tanks. This was pretty unusual for a submarine! It also had torpedoes, which are special underwater missiles that can be shot at other boats.

The Surcouf was built in the 1920s and 30s, which was a long time ago. It was very advanced for its time, but because it was so complex, it had some problems. It was hard for the crew to operate all of the equipment, and sometimes things would break down or not work right.

Unfortunately, the Surcouf didn't have a very long life. During World War II, it was sent out to do some important missions, but it disappeared at sea and was never found. Researchers think it might have hit a mine or been sunk by an enemy ship.

Even though the Surcouf is gone, it is still famous for being a very unique and interesting submarine.