ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Frey v. Fedoruk et al.

Okay, so imagine you're playing with your toys and someone takes your favorite toy away without asking. You feel sad and you want to get your toy back. That's kind of what happened in Frey v. Fedoruk et al.

Frey is a person who created a company and he claims that Fedoruk and some other people took his company away from him without his permission. He's basically saying, "Hey, that's not fair. I made that company and now it's not mine anymore. I want it back!"

When something like this happens, people can go to court and ask a judge to help them. That's what Frey did. He went to court and told the judge what happened. The judge listened to both sides and looked at all the facts, like evidence and documents.

After hearing everything, the judge decided that Frey was right. He said that Fedoruk and the other people did something wrong and that they needed to give the company back to Frey.

So, think of it like this - the judge acted like a grown-up who helps make things fair when someone takes something that's not theirs. The judge made sure that Frey got his toy (or in this case, his company) back.