ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Friends of Animals

Okay kiddo, so you know how we love animals and want to make sure they are safe and happy? Well, there are some grown-ups who also love animals very much and they have a very important job. They are called "Friends of Animals."

Friends of Animals is a group of people who work together to protect and help all kinds of animals. They want to make sure that animals have a safe and comfortable place to live and they want to make sure that people treat animals kindly.

They help animals in lots of different ways. Sometimes they will rescue animals that have been hurt or sick and give them medical help. They also make sure that animals that don't have homes, like cats and dogs, get adopted by loving families that will take good care of them.

Friends of Animals also work to make sure that animals can stay healthy in the wild. They might do things like protecting habitats where animals live or making sure that people don't hunt animals too much.

And the best part is, we can all be friends of animals too! We can help out by feeding birds, not littering, and always treating animals with kindness and respect. Just like friends help each other out, we can be a friend to animals too!