ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Froude number

Froude number is a number that helps us to see if something will float or sink in a fluid (like water). Imagine you are playing in a pool with a beach ball and a rock. You throw the beach ball into the water, and it floats easily. But when you throw the rock, it sinks to the bottom.

The Froude number helps us understand why this happens. It is like a special math that helps us to compare how fast an object is moving to how big the waves are in the water.

If the object is moving too fast compared to the size of the waves, then it might sink. This is because the waves can’t support the object’s weight well enough. But if the object is moving slowly enough, then the waves can hold it up, and it will float.

So the Froude number helps us to figure out if something will sink or float based on how fast it is moving in the water and how big the waves are. This is important for boats and ships, so they don’t sink!