ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Full disk encryption

Hi there! Do you know what a treasure box is? It's a box where you put your precious things like your toys or your jewelry, and you want to keep them safe from anyone who might want to take them without your permission.

Your computer also has a treasure box inside it called a hard drive. This is where all your pictures, videos, documents, and even passwords are stored. Just like you want to keep your treasure box safe, you also want to keep your hard drive safe, especially if you use your computer for sensitive stuff like online banking, shopping, or work-related tasks. This is where full disk encryption comes in.

Full disk encryption is like putting a lock on your treasure box, but instead of a key, you use a password or a passphrase. When you turn on your computer, and the log-in screen appears, you have to type in your password or passphrase to unlock your hard drive. Without it, no one can access your files, even if they steal your computer or remove your hard drive and put it in a different computer.

Full disk encryption uses complex math formulas to scramble your data so that even if someone manages to steal your hard drive, they won't be able to read anything from it. It's like drawing a secret code on your treasure box that only you know how to decipher.

The important thing to remember is that full disk encryption is only effective if you choose a strong and unique password or passphrase. It has to be something that nobody can guess or figure out, like your favorite color or your birthday. Instead, you should use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols that only you know.

In summary, full disk encryption is a digital lock that keeps the contents of your hard drive safe and unbreakable by anyone who doesn't have your password or passphrase. So, make sure you use a strong password and keep your treasure box secure!