ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Full dress uniform

A full dress uniform is a special outfit that some people wear on special occasions, like fancy parties or ceremonies. It's like a costume that shows that the person wearing it is very important or special.

The full dress uniform has lots of parts. There's a coat, pants or a skirt, a shirt, a tie, a special hat called a cap or a beret, and special shoes. Sometimes there are even fancy medals or ribbons that the person can wear on the uniform to show that they did something really important or special.

People who wear full dress uniforms usually have a job that's really important, like being a soldier or a police officer, or maybe they work for the government. When they wear the uniform, it helps show that they are a part of a special group and that they are very skilled and brave.

So, that's what a full dress uniform is - a fancy outfit that important people wear to show that they're special and part of a special group!