ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Function problem

So, imagine you have a bunch of toys that you want to sort based on their color. You don't want to do it manually because it will take a lot of time and effort. This is where a function comes into play.

A function is like a machine that takes something in, does something to it, and then spits something new out. In this case, the function will take your toys, sort them based on color, and give you back a neat pile of toys for each color.

Think of it like a game. You are the boss of the game and you give instructions to a player. The player is like the function, they follow your instructions and do what you asked them to do. In this case, you are telling the function to sort your toys and the function is doing exactly that.

Functions can be used for lots of things, like adding numbers together or finding the highest number in a group. Just like the player in our game, the function will follow your instructions and do what you want it to do. It's like having a robot that does exactly what you want it to do.