Fund administration is like having someone help you with your money, but on a much larger scale. Imagine you have a big piggy bank with lots of money in it, but you aren't sure how to keep track of it all or what to do with it. That's where fund administration comes in!
For grownups, there are lots of big piggy banks called investment funds. These funds are created to help people invest their money in things like stocks, bonds, and other financial assets. But managing all of the money in these funds can be really complicated, so fund administrators are hired to help make sure everything runs smoothly.
The fund administrator's job is to keep track of all the money in the fund, keep records of who owns the fund's shares, and make sure that all of the money is invested properly. They also handle things like calculating and paying out dividends to shareholders, keeping track of all the fees and expenses associated with the fund, and working with outside service providers to make sure everything is running smoothly.
Think of the fund administrator as the person who makes sure your big piggy bank is organized, counted, and taken care of. They help make sure the money is safe and that everyone who owns part of the piggy bank is treated fairly.
So, in short, fund administration is like having a super organized and helpful adult who keeps track of all the money in a big investment fund so that people can invest with confidence!