ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


GNU LibreJS is an add-on for your web browser that helps protect your computer and your privacy. When you go to a website, there are often lots of different kinds of code that run in the background. Some of this code can be helpful, like making sure the website works properly or tracking which pages you visit. But some of it can be harmful, like trying to track you or steal your personal information.

GNU LibreJS works by checking all the code that runs on a website and making sure it's safe and doesn't violate your privacy. If it finds any code that's harmful or violating your privacy, it blocks it from running. This keeps you safe from bad code that could harm your computer or steal your information.

Think of GNU LibreJS like a superhero that protects your computer from bad guys who try to sneak in and steal your stuff. It makes sure that only the good guys get in and keeps you safe from harm.