ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gag rule

You know how when you're playing a game with your friends, sometimes one of them might say "I don't want to play anymore!" and then they stop playing? That's kind of like what a gag rule is, except it's not a game and it's not just for fun.

A gag rule is a really serious rule that someone in charge might make that says that people can't talk about certain things. This means that if you tried to talk about those things, you could get in trouble.

Imagine if you were in school and your teacher made a rule that said you weren't allowed to talk about recess, candy, or puppies. That would be a pretty silly rule, right? But if you tried to talk about those things anyway, you could get in trouble, like losing recess time or even getting sent to the principal's office.

Sometimes people in charge make gag rules about important things that affect everyone. For example, a government might make a rule that says that doctors aren't allowed to talk to their patients about birth control, even if the patient really needs it. This can be really bad for people's health and safety because they aren't getting important information that they need.

Overall, gag rules are kind of like being told that you can't talk about certain things, even if you really want or need to. It can be frustrating and even dangerous when people aren't allowed to speak up about things that matter.