ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gait abnormality

Hello there, little one! Do you know how to walk? Of course you do! Walking is great and it helps us get from one place to another. However, some people may have difficulty walking properly, and this is called a gait abnormality.

Imagine that your legs are like two machines that work together to help you walk. Sometimes, one part of the machine can be broken or not working properly, and this can make your walking style look very different from others.

For example, if someone has a gait abnormality, they may move their legs differently from what you're used to seeing. They may walk with their toes pointing inward or outward, or maybe they walk with a limp. In some cases, people with a gait abnormality may even have trouble balancing or keep falling down.

So, why does someone have a gait abnormality? Well, there could be many reasons. For example, someone may have a condition called cerebral palsy, which affects the part of their brain that controls movement. Or, someone may have had an injury that affects their ability to walk correctly.

In conclusion, a gait abnormality is just a fancy way of saying that someone isn't walking like most people do. There could be many reasons why someone has a gait abnormality and it's important to be understanding and supportive towards those who have difficulty walking.
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