ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Galatians 3

Galatians 3 is a letter that was written by a man named Paul to a group of people called the Galatians. In this letter, Paul explains some important ideas about believing in God and following Him.

Paul talks about something called the "law". The law was a set of rules that God gave to the Jewish people to follow in order to be righteous or good in His sight. But Paul says that following the law is not enough to make you right with God. He explains that the only thing that can make you right with God is your faith in Jesus Christ.

Paul also talks about how God made a promise to Abraham, who was a very important person in the Jewish religion. God promised that Abraham's family would be very important and many people would believe in God because of them. Paul explains that this promise was actually fulfilled through Jesus Christ because Jesus is a descendant of Abraham's family.

Finally, Paul tells the Galatians that they don't need to follow all of the Jewish customs and traditions in order to be saved by God. He says that all people, no matter their background, can have a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.

So, what does all of this mean? Basically, Paul is saying that putting your faith in Jesus is the most important thing you can do in your life. You can't earn your way into heaven by following a set of rules or customs. All you need is faith in Jesus and He will save you.