ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Galileo affair

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of a man named Galileo? He was a really smart scientist who lived a long time ago in Italy. He looked up at the stars and discovered a lot of amazing things about the universe.

But some people didn't like what he said, especially the Church. They believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and didn't want anyone to say otherwise. This was called the geocentric theory.

Galileo, however, believed in the heliocentric theory, which means that the sun is actually the center of our solar system and the planets orbit around it. This was a big deal because it went against what the Church taught.

He wrote a book about his discoveries called "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" which got him in trouble with the Church. They accused him of going against their teachings and put him on trial for heresy.

Galileo had to explain himself in front of a court and was even threatened with torture if he didn't take back what he said. So, he had to say that he was wrong and that the geocentric theory was right, even though he knew it wasn't.

This was a really hard time for Galileo, but eventually, people realized that he was actually right and the Church apologized for the way they treated him. Now, we can learn all about the heliocentric theory and other things Galileo discovered thanks to him being brave enough to speak up.