ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Galveston Seawall

Okay kiddo, let me explain what the Galveston seawall is.

You know how sometimes the ocean gets really angry and starts throwing big waves and strong winds at the land? Well, Galveston is a city that's right next to the ocean, and it used to get a LOT of those angry waves. This was really bad because the waves would crash into the buildings and homes near the shore and cause a lot of damage.

So, in the early 1900s, the people who lived in Galveston decided to do something about it. They came up with the idea to build a big wall between the ocean and the city. And that's how the Galveston seawall was born!

Now, the seawall is a long wall made out of big rocks that stretches for miles and miles along the beach. It's about 17 feet tall and 16 feet wide, which means it's really big and strong. When the waves come crashing towards it, the seawall stops them from getting to the city.

But that's not all! The seawall also has big concrete steps that people can walk on. And there are really cool murals and sculptures all along it, too! The seawall has become a really important part of Galveston, and it helps keep the city safe and protected from the angry waves of the ocean.