ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Game localization

Game localization is making a game in one language available in another language. Imagine you are playing a game and all the words on the screen are in French, but you don't speak French. You wouldn't be able to understand what to do or what things mean. That's where localization comes in.

Let's say the game creators want to make the game available in English for people who don't speak French. They need to translate all the words in the game from French to English. This includes things like the instructions, dialogue, menus, and labels on buttons.

But it's not as simple as just translating everything word-for-word. Some languages have different sentence structures and grammar rules, so the words may need to be rearranged to make sense. And some words might not even exist in the new language, so new words need to be created to convey the same meaning.

Sometimes, the game creators might need to change elements of the game to make it more culturally appropriate for the new language. For example, a game that takes place in Japan might have references to Japanese culture that don't make sense to someone from America. The localization team might need to change those references to something that an American player would understand and appreciate.

It's important for game makers to do this because it allows more people to enjoy the game without being limited by language barriers. It also helps the game to be more successful in different countries since players will be able to understand the game better. Localization is hard work, but it makes playing games much easier for a lot of people around the world.