ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A garden is a special place where you can grow beautiful flowers or tasty fruits and vegetables. Just like how you draw different pictures with different colors, in a garden, you can grow different plants that have different colors and shapes.

To make a garden, you need soil, water, and sunshine. Soil is the dirt you find outside, and it gives the plants the nutrients they need to grow big and strong. Water is very important too, just like how you need water to stay healthy and hydrated. Plants also need sunshine to grow, just like how you feel happy when the sun comes out.

You can plant small seeds in the soil and then give them water and sunshine. As they grow, they need to be cared for by removing any weeds that might compete for the nutrients in the soil. Once they are big enough, you can pick the fruits and vegetables to eat, or enjoy looking at the beautiful colors of the flowers.

Having a garden can be like having your own special place to relax and enjoy nature. It takes a lot of patience and hard work to maintain it, but it can be very rewarding to see your plants grow and blossom.