ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gauge gravitation theory

Gauge Gravity Theory is a way to explain the forces between objects. It uses mathematics to describe why things like gravity and electricity act the way they do. Here's a simple way to understand it:

Imagine you have a room with a bunch of sticks of different lengths. They are stuck in the ground and arranged in a circle. All of the sticks are connected at the top, like the spokes of a wheel. Now, imagine if you pull on any one of the sticks, the others will start to move or "gauge" their direction. That's because gravity is pulling on all the sticks at the same time, causing them to all move in the same way.

Gauge Gravity Theory explains how all forces, such as gravity and electricity, work by using mathematical equations. It helps scientists better understand things like why planets orbit around the sun, how electricity is transferred between objects, and lots of other things.