ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gaussian gravitational constant

Have you ever played with marbles? When you have a big marble and a small marble, and you want to push them together, the big marble will have more force than the small marble because it is heavier.

Well, this is kind of like how gravity works between two objects in space. The bigger object will pull harder than the smaller object because it has more mass, or weight.

Now, let's talk about the Gaussian gravitational constant. It's a fancy way of measuring how strong the force of gravity is between two objects.

In science, we use something called the gravitational constant, which is a number that tells us how strong gravity is. The Gaussian gravitational constant is just another way of expressing this same number.

Scientists use it because it's more precise and easier to work with in certain situations. But at the end of the day, it's just a way of measuring how heavy two objects are and how hard they pull on each other.