ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, I'll explain what "gebrauchsmuster" means.

You know how you have toys or objects that you use all the time, right? Like your favorite teddy bear or your special cup with the funny cartoon characters. These objects are special to you and you use them because they make you happy, comfortable or because they have a certain function.

Now, imagine that one day, someone comes up with a really cool idea for a new toy or a cup that works differently or looks more fun than the ones you have. That person may want to protect their idea so that nobody copies it or steals it from them. That's where "gebrauchsmuster" comes in.

Gebrauchsmuster is a fancy German word that means "utility model". It is a type of legal protection that you can get for new inventions or technical designs that you create. It's like a special certificate that says "this toy or cup or whatever I made is my own idea and nobody else can make the same one without my permission".

So, if you create something that is really cool and useful, you can apply for a gebrauchsmuster to make sure that nobody else copies your idea without your permission. It's kind of like having a special superpower that protects your inventions and makes sure that you get the credit for your cool ideas.